Ostrich High-Rise

Ostrich High-Rise :: Black and white architecture photography - Artwork © Michel Godts

Copyright Notice

Posted in:  Architecture  |  Public Art  

Tags:  architecture  |  statue  |  urban  |  black & white  |  vertical format  

The Altiero Spinelli building rises majestically over the statue of an ostrich with its head in the ground—like the bird is afraid by the building’s height. This ostrich is one of twelve that are part of a public art installation leading to the Parc Léopold. (Espace Léopold, Rue Wiertz, Brussels, Belgium, August 2018)

See a close up picture of the Altiero Spinelli building.

Signed and Unsigned Wall Art Prints

Can be ordered as limited single edition prints or as unsigned photo prints.

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Interior decor art consultants and curators are welcome to contact me to discuss this artwork’s reproduction license, customization, or special application.