Tag search: portrait (Continued) share Weathered Bronze—The Crocodile And The Serpent #2Permalink Info/Buy: Weathered Bronze—The Crocodile And The Serpent #2 Weathered Bronze—The LionPermalink Info/Buy: Weathered Bronze—The Lion Weathered Bronze—The Old WoodcutterPermalink Info/Buy: Weathered Bronze—The Old Woodcutter Weathered Bronze—The PantherPermalink Info/Buy: Weathered Bronze—The Panther Weathered Bronze—The PlowmanPermalink Info/Buy: Weathered Bronze—The Plowman Weathered Bronze—The VictorPermalink Info/Buy: Weathered Bronze—The Victor Whispering Musical SecretsPermalink Info/Buy: Whispering Musical Secrets Zephyr Abducting PsychePermalink Info/Buy: Zephyr Abducting Psyche 48 of 48 Artworks